Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Leveled Books for Early Readers In an App? I think so!

    What does practically every teacher, parent, private tutor, or grandparent want for the children in their lives? Most of them want these kiddoes to grow up to be confident readers who have a growing love for books.
      As a TEACHERMOM (a mom who is a teacher), I have this deep desire to see my own children love to read, but also be able to use their reading skills to unlock knowledge in their world. I want my children to be able to read a map, a menu, or a text from their friend. I also want them to devour the recently released book they have waited for all year or to be able to check the scripture reference a pastor is using in the pulpit. I want my children to read. For my kids, early reading came fairly easily to them.
     As a teacher, I have always felt drawn to students to whom reading was extremely difficult. I want books to engage them. I want books to enthrall them. Hey, I just want these kids not to cry or cringe at the sight of a book. Unlocking reading for young students whose learning is puzzling, has been a driving force in my life for the past sixteen years as I taught in schools and worked as I private tutor. Imagine my elation when I discovered a new tool to help engage early readers.
     One of my most inspiring friends and mentors, Teddi Fulenwider has created an  Ipad app full of amazing leveled books to engage even the earliest of readers. Since Teddi was responsible for helping train me in early literacy both through Mesquite ISD and TWU, I have always held an sense of awe of her. ( She is a pretty fantastic, knowledge-filled lady). When she shared with me about her app, I was very eager to purchase the app and use it with the students I tutor during the summer.
       One Wednesday morning, I had the opportunity to use the books on the Read with TedDee app with my earliest readers. I truly put the app to the test, as I used the app in my one on one lessons with a couple of "movers and shakers". Each week I try to find new ways to motivate the students to give reading and writing their full attention, even during the summer. These are fun young men. You should have seen the excitement when I pulled the Ipad out! They each found the books on the app intriguing. We were able to type in their name as part of the book. Their favorite part of the process was choosing pictures for each page. They especially liked using the ipad to take their own photos to add to their books. My favorite part, was that my students were reading quality leveled books created by an educator and facilitator that shared my philosophy about early reading.  Great books full of age appropriate themes, with just enough "work" on each page, and high engagement was a win for all of us!
         At the close of each lesson the day we used the Read With TedDee app, my students were begging to read just one more book. Why wouldn't they? The books made these kids feel successful, because I had chosen a text from the app that was just right for them and they had helped 'create' these texts by adding the pictures. 
          After exploring the app, I can see myself using the app both in private tutoring and within a classroom. It would be wonderful to utilize with an ipad mini lab once a week during guided reading. The possibilities are endless. Even better, it is due out later for androids!
      Check out Read with TedDee at http://www.readwithteddee.com/. Follow the blog and purchase the app on Itunes. I would love to hear comments about innovative things that you have tried with Read With TedDee.
                                                Happy App-ing!

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